V1 Golf App

UI/UX Design of Native Mobile App

An app to help enhance the golf pro/golfer lessons by providing an all-digital golf lesson experience

An app to help fix your golf game.


UI/UX Designer

Clickable Prototype
UI Screens
App Flow

The V1 golf app was created to connect golfers to go pros they may never have had access to before. Whether in-person lessons were too much or just lived too far away, the completely virtual lesson that V1 supported allowed golfers to submit self-shot swings to golf pros all around the world. And now these golf pros have an even large pool of potential clients now that they can easily review, annotate, and provide feedback to these clients all through a single app.


Workflow Document

Outside of prototypes we also created an in-depth flow document outlining the entire experience


Golf Pro flows

Student flow


The Results

Created experiences for both the Golf Pro and the student, changing how golf pros are able to work with students forever.



Golf Swing Compairison

Golf Swing Comparison

V1 Golf App

Deep Canvas Brand